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ceremonies & rituals


Singing is a powerful way to create unity and bring us into the present moment. Since the beginning of time our ancestors have used song to honour the joy and grief of this precious life. Singing is an important way to honour our transitions and to celebrate our existence! Songs act as a vessel to carry and transmute our grief and our joy, connecting us to the spirits of our loved one, the spirits of the land and to our own hearts. 


Sophia leads singing at Weddings, Funerals, Baby Blessings, Memorials and Celebrations of Life, helping to create a sacred space to honour these important transitions.

Sophia led the singing at our wedding and it was truly magical!  She led the whole congregation, teaching beautiful songs on the spot, instantly helping everyone, young and old, feel at ease and alive with music.  She also composed and taught a gorgeous piece for all the women and lead us as we we walked up towards the ceremony, something which many said was a highlight of the day."


"Your heartful space holding is so nourishing - you weave very special magic - so much more than just the songs or singing together."


"Sometimes it's as if my soul is weeping, as if the loss of a previously unknown and ancient connection to the earth and to brothers and sisters everywhere is being revealed to me. Thank you for opening this door for me"

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