embodied song retreats
Vocal exploration, harmony singing, therapeutic voice work and improvisation, with delicious food and morning yoga.
“I came home to myself - landed back into my body and my heart. I felt seen and accepted and appreciated in my unique expression. It was a real joy”. Bonnie
“I honestly don't think I've ever managed to let go of so much tension in my life” Rachel

"Meeting voice from body, with heart, as prayer".
Some of us know, and some are yet to discover, the healing power of sound and voice work for personal and collective transformation. Everything has a vibrational frequency. Through working consciously with sound and intention we can shift our own frequencies, enabling stuck patterns to unravel and accessing places of power and potential that have been deeply buried in our beings. When we sound together in a group we create a morphic field of resonance where the sound waves ripple out, within, and then beyond, not only healing ourselves but also affecting the wider sphere of existence.
"Sounding is the most direct way to experience our true essence and connect
to our hearts."

Many of us have experienced, whether consciously or otherwise, feeling shut down around our vocal expression. Society has imposed ideas around what is acceptable, that don’t allow for the full depth and breadth of what it is to be a resonant and creative human. We may have adopted ideas around certain sounds being acceptable. When we take the lid off and allow our voices to sound freely, old stories and hidden emotions can be re-written and released and we are able to access a deep-rooted source of strength from within.
Through the voice we can discover and integrate the hidden parts of ourselves, celebrate the joy and creative expression that is our essential nature and sing ourselves home.
What participants have said:
“Your retreat was like a doorway for me to enter that led me to myself. You created and held so beautifully a space in which I was free. Free to dance, to breathe, to sing, to be”. Anne
“I honestly don't think I've ever managed to let go of so much tension in my life” Rachel
“Beautifully, safely held, with reverence. The structure had the shape of a ceremony over the 3 days, beautifully crafted.” Anne​
“It was truly one of the most nourishing experiences I've ever had, expertly held and guided. This the work that women and the world need right now" Katie
“It was beautifully, skilfully curated in a way that made going really deep feel incredibly safe. I felt honoured to be part of it and I’m so proud of myself for being braver than I knew I could be.” Emma
“Sophia is an inspiring teacher. She leads with clarity, gentleness and awareness. There is a sense of the sacred in the way she is and also a fabulous sense of humour. Sophia invites ‘messy’ woman – real, earthy embodiment of the feminine”. Magdalena
“I came home to myself - landed back into my body and my heart. I felt seen and accepted and appreciated in my unique expression. It was a real joy”. Bonnie
“Every day since, I have woken up feeling calmer, more rooted in my body and like I have remembered a connection that it is easy to lose and forget about”. Jody
“It’s hard to say exactly why, but you just make it be so real, and make everyone feel so supported, and trusting, that you help us truly go there”. Sarah